Yearly Advice Retainer

It has been a pleasure working with you so far on your financial advice and planning needs. We look forward to working with you over the next 12 months to achieve your goals.

As a Yearly Advice Retainer client, you will receive a repeating invoice from our payment software Xero. By proceeding through our payment portal you acknowledge that I/we have read and understood the contents of this webpage and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained herein. The agreement covers a maximum period of 12 months and will be automatically terminated. If appropriate, you will be prompted to renew this before the end date. 


The start date of this Yearly Advice Retainer is the next billing cycle after all parties have consented through our online payment portal.

Services during this Fixed Term

  • Access to your financial planner for 1 annual review which may include up to a Tier 1 advice task

  • Access to up to 2 general advice discussions with your financial planner

  • Access to up to 2 general administration tasks per year

  • Up to 12 Monthly cash allocations to your SMA investment/super account

  • Annual tax pack to be sent to you (or your nominated accountant)

  • Monitoring of communication from your investment and insurance provider


Flat Fee: $1,452pa each (Billed as $121 per month, per person)

All services not included above are billed as a once of service and fees are estimated before commencement of work. More details can be found on our pricing page.

Joint Obligations

We will exercise all requisite care and diligence in providing financial advice and services during this 12-month period, however the quality of our advice will depend upon the quality and accuracy of the information you provide to us.

At all times during the term of this agreement please notify us of any material change to your circumstances which may impact upon your financial position. Examples of such changes are loss of employment, any disability suffered by you, a partner or a dependant, any inheritance, a promotion etc.


We shall take all reasonable steps to maintain the confidentiality of any information that we receive from you during the term of our agreement and beyond.

Prior Agreements

This agreement replaces any existing agreement which you have entered with us. Any prior agreement is terminated by entering into this agreement.


We may amend the terms on which we provide our services (including the fees we charge for those services) by providing you 30 days written notice.


This agreement can be terminated by either party with 7 days’ notice in writing.

In the event you are in breach of these terms of engagement we may terminate our engagement immediately by notice in writing or via the payment portal. Notice of termination shall be deemed as validly delivered to you if provided by post or email to the most current contact details that we have for you.