Moving forward - The Choice is yours

Depending on your stage of life you might need help on a regular basis and want us to keep an eye on things for you. Or, you might simply want to manage things yourself and only pay for advice when you choose. We find good advice often requires a significant amount of time spent on initial work but once setup is complete it should largely run itself but your might want the peace of mind of knowing someone is watching your back for you.


Yearly Advice Retainer

This suits the higher end of our clientele who are self employed or have a more complex financial life with higher funds invested. We use a retail fund that provides very significant choice and controls to monitor and implement complex advice on your behalf. We will offer a formal review each year and make sure your affairs are kept in order. If we spot a problem or opportunity that needs your attention we will get in touch immediately. Essentially, we act as your financial concierge so you can get on with your busy life.

Pay as you go

If you are an employee in the early stages of your career and investment journey we can work with your industry fund or share trading account as and when you need us to. We are listed as your adviser on your accounts but we don’t get copies of communication or work proactively as we do for retainer clients. When you want our advice we can often access information and act on your behalf without needing to update third party authorities. You simply pay for a service when you want to.


Yearly Advice Retainer - We help maintain your investment +

$121 inc GST: per person / per month

Suited for clients with superannuation or investment accounts that require maintenance. We manage your affairs throughout the year and look for opportunities before they arise. This service is designed to help you reach your short, medium and long terms goals with confidence and accountability.

Yearly Advice Retainer includes:

✓ 1 x Annual review meeting with simple advice at no extra cost Tier 1 ( min value $880)

To help things run smoothly we also cover up to 2 x general admin/general tasks per annum (valued up to $1,760)

Retainer option includes:

✓ Superannuation/Investment maintenance using Separately Managed Account structure

✓ Paperless Superannuation/Investment managed by your adviser with rapid turn around times - Very rare you need to print and sign something

✓ Insurance maintenance to ensure your cover stays intact and relevant to your needs

✓ Tax pack sent to nominated Accountant each year to help with preparing tax returns (1 x admin $440)

✓ We directly liase with your network (Accountants, mortgage broker, buyers agent etc)

✓ General discussion with your adviser aka "brain picking call"

We believe that this is best paid directly so it does not errode your investment balance and is as tax effective as possible. The cost can be charged from investment or super where appropriate.

Pay as you go - We work with your Insurance, Industry Super and Share Trading account +

No Fee/ No Commissions - Pay as you go

This package is well suited to insurance, investment or industry super clients that want to manage their affairs themselves. Through our partnerships we can access your relevant information to give you accurate advice or support as and when you request it. Turn around times are not as rapid as industry funds often require paper signatures and dont have dedicated support that is offered under YAR. If you are simply growing super/investment this may mean a little extra effort to set up but it's usually smooth sailing from then on.

Admin assistance charged at $165p/h

Advice fee charged at $440p/h

Our investment partners:

✓ Selfwealth - Share Trading

✓ Aware Super

✓ Australian Super

✓ Hostplus Super



None of the providers above will send us copies of communication or alert us to important matters you need to attend to. As your listed adviser we access information only as required.


NOR Financial knows that the concept of “value” is different for everyone. One of our guiding principals is that our work must benefit the clients that engage us. We will always provide you with the information you need to determine for yourself if our fee structure works for you. Ultimately, if we don’t think you are getting good value we will tell you so, and provide an alternative course of action.