What if I Choose not to enter into an Ongoing Service Agreement?
If no ongoing service agreement is in place and you have opted to remove any associated commissions, we receive no ongoing remuneration and we remove ourselves as your adviser on your financial products.
We can still provide advice as required and will charge an hourly rate for doing so. If there is no significant change in your circumstances, a review would typically take 2 hours. Some examples of a significant change might include purchasing a property, getting married or divorced, having a new child or changing jobs or increasing your income significantly. This may warrant the production of a new Statement of Advice and although this would be a reduced cost as we would be only be updating variables this does add another 4-8hrs work.
In the event of a claim even where no ongoing fee arrangement is in place we can still assist you with a claim. Our rates are as follows.
Making a claim is often the most difficult time of our clients lives and we cover all costs associated for any client who has chosen to opt in to an ongoing service agreement. The ranges below are estimates based on our own experience and industry statistics. Fees are often covered by the insurer themselves and we are confident that these are far lower than a legal service typically charges. You are always able to mange this directly and claims managers at insurers are often very skilled and compassionate. For ongoing claims such as Income Protection our clients often deal directly with a dedicated manager once we start things off and only come back to us when things get tricky and they need further advice.